New Leadership Delivering Results for Our Community

Michelle Naccarati-Chapkis, Allegheny County Community and Policy Advocate
Candidate for Allegheny County Council -- District 8
(Braddock, Braddock Hills, Chalfant, E. McKeesport, East Pittsburgh, Edgewood, Monroeville, North Braddock, Pitcairn, Plum, Rankin, Swissvale, Trafford, Turtle Creek, Wall, Whitaker, Wilmerding)
Michelle Naccarati-Chapkis is a Democratic candidate running for Allegheny County Council seat to represent the citizens of District 8. She believes our county is strongest when we all have access to affordable and safe housing, quality education, and clean air and water. Michelle will be an advocate for all of District 8, including the areas that many believe have been left behind. We need to address inequalities that exist across the District and throughout the County to ensure a healthy, safe and prosperous community for all.
Michelle was born and raised in Allegheny County. Growing up in Wilkins Township, she attended Turtle Creek High School for three years and was part of the first graduating class of Woodland Hills High School. The daughter of a police chief and school superintendent, Michelle followed in her parents’ footsteps by choosing a path focused on public service to the community.
As executive director of a regional nonprofit, Michelle has spent the last 11 years providing community programs that address environmental harms while advocating for solutions that better protect public health. She has used this expertise to work closely with the Allegheny County Health Department and Allegheny County Economic Development. Michelle has regularly presented to the Allegheny County Council and Board of Health, championing issues ranging from lead exposure in our communities to air quality concerns, in addition to meetings with state and federal legislators to enact policies that protect children in schools and child care centers from environment harms.
Previously, Michelle worked for 14 years at Western Pennsylvania Conservancy where she oversaw the protection of rare, threatened, and endangered species and natural areas, including the addition of the state’s newest state park – Erie Bluffs – as well as additions to Allegheny County’s North Park (land acquisition) and South Park (easement needed for public access).
For more than 20 years, Michelle has been a passionate advocate for creating healthy environments. This includes ensuring access to healthy air, clean water and fresh foods. She has a history of taking action to address many pressing issues. As an example, when the City of Pittsburgh exceeded its lead levels in drinking water, Michelle orchestrated a water filter distribution program to family support centers, health clinics and childcare centers. This led to Michelle’s leadership appointment on the Mayor’s Blue Ribbon Committee for the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority in 2017.
Michelle is married to David Chapkis and they have three children: Sofia, Dominic and Julia, as well as their puppy Archie. She has lived in Plum Borough since 1999. Michelle received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Pittsburgh and certificate from Leadership Pittsburgh. She currently represents her community by serving on numerous boards and committees including a number of community and leadership groups, including the following:
Citizens for Plum | Board Member
Plum Borough Zoning Hearing Board | Chair
Plum Girls Volleyball | Treasurer
Plum High School PSSO | Member
Rock for the Heart | Board Member
St. Bernadette/Christ the Divine Parish | Lector